Cleaning & Assembling Charges - According to work involved.
Matt Varnishing & Packing Charges - 1% of total painting charge.
To and From freight charges have to be born by the customer.
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War Machine Figures - 3

Showcase Quality
$ 6.00 per figure

Cryx Bane Thralls
Painting charge - US $ - 6.00

Iron Kingdoms Khador
Painting charge - US $ - 17.50

Khodor Widow Makers
Painting charge - US $ - 6.00

Iron Kingdoms Khador
Painting charge small - US $ - 5.00

Khodor Widow Makers
Painting charge - US $ - 6.00

Cryx Battle Group
Painting charge large - US $ - 17.50
Small US $ - 8.50

Cygnar Battle Group
Painting charge - US $ - 15.00
Medium US $ - 8.00
Small US $ - 5.00
Prolectorate of Menoth Reckoner